Iwase-senzuka Photo Gallery

Haniwa (Clay Figures)

Photo Collection: Unique Haniwa from Dainichi-yama No. 35.

Haniwa of a man who has two faces (left) and haniwa of a bird spreading its wings (right).

a double-faced man
a bird spreading its wings

Haniwa of a quiver (left) and haniwa of a sumo wrestler (right)

a quiver
a sumo wrestler

Haniwa of a man wearing a flat hat with two legs and a circular pattern (called "so-kyaku-rin-ji-mon" (left) and haniwa of a a warrior wearing a helmet (right).

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a man wearing a flat hat
a warrior

Two different types of cylindrical haniwa (left) and haniwa of a maiden in the service of a Shinto shrine (right).

cylindrical haniwa
a maiden

House-shaped haniwa (left) and horse-shaped haniwa (right)

a house-shaped haniwa
a horse-shaped haniwa

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