Iwase-senzuka Photo Gallery

Section Mae-yama A (No. 23 and 32)

Section Maeyama A has several horizontal burial chambers visitors are allowed to enter. All of them has kept their original shapes for more than 1,400 years.

Mae-yama A No. 23

Mae-yama A No. 23
The round kofun is about 20m away from No. 17.
Mae-yama A No. 23
The diameter (around 14m) is average at Iwase-senzuka
Mae-yama A No. 23
The skill seems to be rather practical
Mae-yama A No. 23
And the finish is perfect

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Mae-yama A No. 32

Mae-yama A No. 32
No. 32 is a round kofun with a diameter of 15 meters.
Mae-yama A No. 32
A straight iron sword and three iron arrowheads have been found there.
Mae-yama A No. 32
Each stone seems to be rather large here.
Mae-yama A No. 32
The ceiling consists of two large flat stones.

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